Breaking the mould

of fermentation

We are Myconeos. We help food producers create new products with cutting edge fungal science.

There's a world of undiscovered fungal strains

Our patent protected method allows us to cross fungal strains naturally; something that was considered not possible.

We offer new colours, flavours and textures for a wide range of foods, such as cheese, vegan cheese and fermented meats.

Myconeos allows food producers to innovate and create all kinds of new fermentations.

Our partners

Rory Stone - Highland Fine Cheese

“Mycoforti strains have helped us to secure more market share and speed up our company's growth.”


  • We create new targeted strains with beneficial characteristics for the maturation and fermentation of a wide range of food products.

  • Our strains help cheese makers increase their production capacity and efficiency, leading to less contamination and higher margins.

  • Cheese makers using our strains have been able to create award winning white and blue cheeses and push market envelope.

How we work

  • Isolate fungal strains

    We isolate fungal strains from both the natural environment and established food production chains. We have one of the largest strain bank collections in the world, with over 300 strains, and this is increasing all the time.

  • Breed new fungal strains

    We analyse the strains using classical and DNA approaches and breed strains together. We then screen the sexual offspring for desired characteristics, allowing us to select new strains with beneficial properties.

  • Create new products

    We sell our strains and apply our expertise to other culture houses and manufacturers allowing them to create exciting new products with improved functional benefits. All of our strains meet regulatory requirements.


  • Food Tech 500

    Named in the 2023 “Food Tech 500” from a pool of 57 countries, a major proof point for global expansion.

  • 3 Gold awards & 1 Silver

    3 Gold awards & 1 Silver at the International Cheese & Dairy Association for cheeses using our strains.

  • Global Dairy Congress finalist

    Finalist for Best manufacturing and technology innovation at the Global Dairy Congress.

What we do

  • Mycoforti© strains

    Breakthrough discovery for the cheese industry: a ‘natural’ range of new specially bred and unique Penicillium roqueforti cultures, providing cheese producers the opportunity to reduce production costs and differentiate within the blue cheese market. Myconeos created these strains through recapturing the diversity of curated strains used traditionally without genetic manipulation.

  • Fungal consultancy

    We offer our customers technical support and advice both when introducing our strains and on an on-going basis to ensure they achieve the best possible results. We are also experts in identification and control of fungal strains within food chain environments. Our proactive approach means customers avoid potential challenges saving them time and money.

  • Strain development

    Our strains allow our customers to create unique product offerings to retain current and attract new customers. We work with major culture houses and manufacturers to develop strains with specific characteristics of interest and currently have a uniquely large and growing strain-bank of over 300 unique Penicillium strains.

Are you a cheese maker?

We can develop new & exciting products together.